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The Jefferson City diocese Cursillo movement held spring 2024 weekends at St. Anthony Parish in Camdenton.
Men’s Weekend #73 was held April 25-28.
Women’s Weekend #81 was held a week later on May 2-5.
The men’s weekend included six candidates, representing four parishes in the diocese: Cathedral of St. Joseph Parish in Jefferson City, St. Anthony Parish in Camdenton, Our Lady of the Lake Parish in Lake Ozark, and Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Columbia.
The Holy Spirit was at work in a powerful way the entire weekend.
“It was inspiring to see the team and candidates support each other and lift up the Holy Spirit,” said rector John Keener. “His graces were truly poured out on our Cursillo weekend.”
The team of 10 men, including Father Donald Antweiler and Deacon Bill Seibert, shared talks and experiences.
Interestingly, half of the team for this Cursillo was made up of converts to the Catholic faith.
“The Cursillo weekend continues to be powerful,” said Deacon Seibert. “It’s an experience that causes both candidates and team members to grow in their faith and relationship with Christ our Savior.”
The women’s weekend included 11 candidates representing eight parishes: Ss. Peter & Paul Parish in Boonville; Our Lady of Lourdes included 11 candidates representing eight parishes: Ss. Peter & Paul Parish in Boonville; Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Sacred Heart and St. Thomas More Newman Center parishes in Columbia; Immaculate Conception and Cathedral of St. Joseph parishes in Jefferson City; Our Lady of the Lake Parish in Lake Ozark; and St. Vincent de Paul Parish of Pettis County.
“From the very beginning, the team and candidates meshed like they had known each other for years, said Lisa Berendzen, rectora. “The Holy Spirit was working hard for the entire Cursillo weekend.”
Father Paul Clark and Deacon Mark Aulbur and the rest of the team shared talks that inspired the newest Cursillistas, caused them to laugh and cry, and had them looking inside their hearts to see where they could grow in their relationship with Christ.
Cursillo is very thankful for the wonderful facilities and efforts of St. Anthony parishioners in Camdenton to help make both weekends a huge success.
Special appreciation goes out to those who made the weekends possible by serving on the service teams, cook teams, set-up and take-down teams. Their efforts made the weekends run smoothly.
If you have never made a Cursillo weekend and would like to learn more, ask a Cursillista parishioner in your parish, or visit the Cursillo page on the diocesan website at:
Men’s and women’s 2024 fall weekends are scheduled to take place at St. Joseph Parish in Edina. The men’s weekend is Sept. 19-22 and the women’s weekend is Oct. 10-13.
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