Bishop W. Shawn McKnight and priests of the Jefferson City diocese offer Mass for the repose of the souls of the priests of this diocese who have died, on Nov. 9, 2022, during the Octave of All Souls, in St. Andrew Church in Holts Summit. Father Christopher Cordes, diocesan vicar for priests and pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Columbia, preached the homily. He spoke of the important attributes each priest brings to the Church, most notably the celebration of the Eucharist, and the importance of praying for deceased priests as they make their journey to heaven, while seeking inspiration from their lives of ministry and service. After Holy Communion, Monsignor David Cox and Father Michael Penn read the names of priests of this diocese who died since its founding in 1956. (102 photos)
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Jefferson City MO 65109-0914
(573) 635-9127