Statue of St. Joseph and the child Jesus in St. Joseph Church in Salisbury.
Mural depicting the Holy Family above the sanctuary of Holy Family Church in Freeburg.
Photo courtesy of Holy Family Parish
Stained glass depicting symbols of St. Joseph, in St. Joseph Church in Pilot Grove.
Statue and stained glass image of St. Joseph, in St. Joseph Church in Edina.
Statue of St. Joseph, in the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Jefferson City.
Statue of St. Joseph and the child Jesus, from the former St. Martha Church in Wayland, in the reception area of the Alphonse J. Schwartze Memorial Catholic Center in Jefferson City.
Mural depicting the Holy Family's escape into Egypt, in St. Joseph Church in Westphalia.
Stained glass depicting the Holy Family, in St. Joseph Church in Pilot Grove.
Statue of St. Joseph and the child Jesus, over the entrance to St. Joseph Church at Hurricane Branch.
Stained glass depicting the Holy Family, in St. Joseph Church in Salisbury.
Statue of St. Joseph and the child Jesus, in St. Joseph Cathedral School in Jefferson City.
Statue of St. Joseph in an ornate reredos above a side altar in St. Peter Church in Jefferson City.
Statue of St. Joseph and the child Jesus, outside St. Joseph Church in Martinsburg.
Stained glass depicting the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, in the Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows in Starkenburg.
Stained glass depicting St. Joseph, in St. Joseph Church in Louisiana.
Statue of St. Joseph, in Our Lady of the Lake Church in Lake Ozark.
Photo courtesy of Our Lady of the Lake Parish
Sign on the road to St. Joseph Church at Hurricane Branch.
Statue of St. Joseph and the child Jesus, in Sacred Heart Church in Rich Fountain.
Photo by Debbie Reinkemeyer
Statue of St. Joseph and the child Jesus, in Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Columbia.
Stained glass depicting the peaceful death of St. Joseph, in St. Thomas the Apostle Church in St. Thomas.
Stained glass depicting St. Joseph, in the Bishop's Vestry in the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Jefferson City.
Statues of St. Joseph and the child Jesus, in St. Pius X Church in Moberly.
Stained glass depicting St. Joseph and Jesus at work, in St. Joseph Church in Palmyra.