CSA INSIGHT — Gratitude zone


“Imagine if tomorrow you woke up with only those things that you thanked God for today.”

To live gratefully is the best way to live that I know — the best way to the joy, depth and heart of Jesus Christ.

Millions of angels and saints before me know this to their core. I am afraid I am not one of them, at least not yet. I’m still a part-timer.

Sometimes, often maybe, I thank God for the major things. Most of my days, though, I am not intentionally thankful. I become preoccupied, busy, distracted.

Nevertheless, I believe the “secret” to the joy and depth of God is to get my mind in the game; to come with an attitude — a gratitude attitude; to get in the zone — a gratitude zone.

“Imagine if tomorrow you woke up with only those things that you thanked God for today.”

Reread that, slowly. Now, how do you start?

Perhaps, on awakening, thank God that you are alive. Thank God for the bed. And sleep. Thank God for your body, your breathing, your sight, your hearing.

As you rise from the bed, thank God you can walk. Toothbrush. Hot shower. Breakfast to eat. Coffee.

Through the day, thank God for family, for friends, education/teachers/books, job/career, a car that works, pets, trees and plants, phone, blue sky, sunshine, thunder, stars, whatever you encounter or call to mind. Be specific and extensive.

As you walk through your day, see each thing and each person as a gift. Say, maybe even aloud, “thank you.”

As you focus on front-burner stuff, keep the back burner simmering gently with gratitude.

I’m convinced that living gratefully is the happiest, if not the only way to the joy, depth and heart of Jesus Christ.

Still, I remain a part-timer, a “practice-er.” But that is what it takes: practice, practice, practice.

It takes practice to be good at anything, so why not practice thanking God each day that the Lord gives us?

“Lord, all I have and all I am, I hopefully and gratefully give to You. Amen.”

Fr. Antweiler is pastor of Immaculate Conception parish in Jefferson City.
